Summer Sessions 2019 Course Syllabus
Course: ENGL-1301- Section: 01 Composition I |
Instructor Information | |||||||||
Instructor | Dr. Michelle Judice | |||||||| | |||||||||
Phone | (409) 984-6352 | ||||||||
Office |
Department |
Course Information | |||||||||
Description | Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis. | ||||||||
Prerequisites | Basic skills competency (TSI complete) in reading and writing required. | ||||||||
Learning Outcomes |
Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.(PSLO 1)measured by essay rubric. 2. Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.(PSLO 1 & 4)measured by class discussion/team work and essay rubric. 3. Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.(PSLO 2)measured by essay rubric. 4. Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.(PSLO 1,4,6, Alpha)measured by class discussion discussion & essay rubric, Pre-test/Post-test. 5. Use Edited American English in academic essays. (PSLO 2)measured by essay rubric. |
Core Objectives |
* Communication skills: Students will demonstrate effective written, oral and visual communication. * Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions. * Teamwork: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal and consider different points of view. * Social Responsibility: Students will demonstrate intercultural competency and civic knowledge by engaging effectively in local, regional, national and/or global communities. * Personal Responsibility: Students will demonstrate the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making. |
Program Student Learning Outcomes |
PSLO ALPHA: Reading skills - Demonstrates comprehension of content-area reading material. Identifies all main ideas, supporting details, and vocabulary in reading material; demonstrates a full understanding of the reading. PSLO 1: Critical Thinking Skills - Uses creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. Creatively identifies problem, argument, or issue (to determine extent of information needed); differentiates the facts from opinions as relates to situation; constructs possible solutions or prediction or consequences; uses logical, sound reasoning to justify conclusion. PSLO 2: Communication Skills - Demonstrates effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and/or visual communication. Expresses a strong thesis; organizes information with effective transitions & sequencing of ideas; uses substantial, logical & specific development of ideas; details are relevant, original, credible and correctly documented when appropriate to show an effective development and interpretation of ideas; and presents ideas in appropriate mode of expression for the task. PSLO 4: Teamwork Skills- Shows the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal. Helps the team move forward by discussing merits of alternative ideas; Treats team members respectfully; uses positive facial, vocal or written tone, or language to convey a positive attitude; Motivates teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task; Provides assistance/encouragement to team members; Completes all assigned tasks by deadline; Addresses conflict constructively; or helps the group avoid conflict completely. PSLO 6: Personal Responsibility Skills - Integrates choices, actions and consequences in ethical decision-making. Recognizes ethical issues when presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) context; recognizes cross- relationships among the issues; discusses in detail/ analyzes core beliefs; the discussion has greater depth and clarity showing the independent application of ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question accurately; and is able to consider full implications of the application. |
Textbooks |
1. Readings for Writers, 14th Edition, McCuen-Metherell & Winkler, Publisher: Cengage Learning, ISBN: 978-1-111-83706-8 2. MUST HAVE & BRING BOOK & USB TO CLASS. Black ink pens only. |
Lecture Topics Outline |
Grammar & Punctuation Boot Camp: why and how to use these Six Traits of Good Writing; Audience & Purpose; Standard & Non-Standard English Developing Good Paragraphs: Chapter 7, page 202 (Thesis, Topic Sentences, & Supporting Details) Essay 1: Narration: Chapter 8, page 233 (what, when, and how to) Essay 2: Description: Chapter 9, page 286 Essay 3: Process Analysis Chapter 10, page 331 Essay 4: Comparison/Contrast Chapter 13, page 456 Essay 5: Argumentation/Persuasion Chapter 16, page 609 Final: Argumentation/Persuasion |
Major Assignments Schedule |
Week 1 & Week 2: Introduction to course, PSLO Pre-Test. Review syllabus. Plagiarism contract read & signed. Log on/check email LamarPA. Netiquette Review. MLA setup saved, on USB and Cloud. Six Traits Good Writing; Grammar/Punctuation; Diagnostic Test & Review Week 3: Review/Discuss Narration Week 4: Essay #1: Narration Week 5: Review/Discuss Description Week 6: Grammar/Punctuation Week 7: Essay #2: Discription Week 8: Review/Discuss Process Analysis Week 9: Essay #3: Process Analysis Week 10: Review/Discuss Compare/Contrast Week 11: Essay #4: Compare/Contrast Week 12: Review/Discuss Argumentation/Persuasion Week 13: Essay #5, Argumentation/Persuasion Week 14: PSLO Post-Test; Review Grammar & Punctuation Week 15: Final Essay, Argumentation/Persuasion |
Final Exam Date | July 8, 2019 - 10:00 AM Through July 8, 2019 - 12:00 PM | ||||||||
Grading Scale |
90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D Below 59 = F Please see/use ten category 1301 Essay Grading Rubric. |
Determination of Final Grade |
Two-page essays: 50%, Reading Quizzes, Response papers 30%, and Final 20%. Extra credit opportunities (three points maximum) will be offered throughout the semester & added onto class grade at the end of the semester. FINAL MUST BE TAKEN TO PASS CLASS. ALL WRITING SUBMITTED MUST BE WRITTEN BY THE STUDENT (him or herself) ENROLLED IN THE CLASS WITH NO OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE. Essays ARE all written IN the classroom. |
Course Policies | |||||||||
Instructor Policies |
ALL of the writing in this class must be written by the student enrolled in the class without any outside help. The essays are in-class assignments. Link to Student Handbook section, page 30, on plagiarism: Plagiarism means the appropriation of another person?s work or idea and the unacknowledged incorporation that work or idea into one?s own work offered for credit. 4. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person preparing work for credit. All essays will be submitted through Blackboard's Safe Assign link and a hard copy will also be submitted at the end of class. Students will be asked to leave the classroom immediately if caught texting/using a phone or smart watch while working on ANY class assignment. If caught twice, they will not be allowed to return. Phones should be placed on the upper left desk corner during class. Brief glancing is acceptable; reading the screen is not. NO LATE WORK. NO MAKE-UP WORK. MUST bring flash drive & book to class EVERY TIME we meet. Yes, the book is required. This class can be a lot of fun even though your favorite activity may not be writing. Just be forewarned: we write and write and write and ... you get the picture! This IS a composition class and the only way to improve one's writing is to actually write! STUDENTS MUST TAKE THE FINAL TO PASS THE CLASS. Students will have to write IN class, during class, and write each paper by themselves with NO OUTSIDE help. If a student is caught plagiarizing the grade is a 0. There is NO makeup assignment for a plagiarized paper. If he/she is plagiarizes a second time, the student will be asked not to return and an F will be given for the final course grade. . |
Attendance Policy |
Research has shown a cause and effect relationship between attendance and college success. A student with several absences will suffer a grade reduction. Missing more than what is allowed during the semester will result in a failure to meet class objectives. Excessive tardiness will, likewise, have an effect on the grade. During the semester, we meet MWF 43 times and MW & TR we meet 30. Three (MWF)or two(TR)absences are allowed. Four tardies equal an absence. Please DO NOT disrupt the class by arriving late; it is not just distracting but it is also rude. I will be here, so I expect you to be. |
Academic Honesty | Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty. | ||||||||
Facility Policies |
Important Information | |||||||||
ADA Considerations | The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241. | ||||||||
MyLamarPA | Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLamarPA campus web portal ( When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLamarPA. | ||||||||
Other |
Vocabulary, Reading Quizzes, Response Papers, Essays, Common Assignment, and Final No make-up work. No late work accepted. No outside editing/revising. Plagiarism will be seriously dealt with and a 0 grade given the first time and an F for the class on the second offense. I will not discuss your grades over the phone or by email. If you want to discuss your grades, you must come to my office, in person. Students are expected to read out loud, on occasion, and actively participate. Students will not be allowed to sleep in class or be rude or disruptive. Find and remember HOW you found OWL at Purdue (save it on your desk top!) Final note/thought: I am here for you to talk to. Come see me if life is falling apart, you need extra help or don't understand something, and don't wait until it is too late. This class IS a lot of work but IF you stay current on assignments and seriously try, you can make it through this class. You have to show up for me to help you and that is what I REALLY want to do. But, as my, from the back woods of Maine grandmother used to tell me, "The Lord helps those who help themselves." I can only do so much; you have to regularly attend, pay attention, follow directions, and work hard :-) |
HB 2504 | This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504. |